
Show Me the House!

Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared. Sometimes showings don’t always happen at the most convenient times, but if you’re prepared with these simple tips, you can minimize your panic and get yourself out the door before your potential buyer arrives. 

Let the Sun Shine In: The lighter and brighter your house, the more appealing it is. Keep all blinds and curtains open during the day to leave time for you to turn on the lights…every light. 

Clutter Control: You’ve already done the major decluttering and organizing (see my blog post Top Things to do Before Listing). This is the daily stuff. Keep your counters clear, throw away junk mail, check for fingerprints on appliances, tidy the toys, stow shoes, plump pillows, check closet clutter; you get the picture. Make it your mission to do a walk through before bed every night. And this is the mother in me talking: Make your bed! 

Squeaky Clean: You don’t need to deep clean the entire house every day, but you absolutely need to keep the major sellers spotless: the kitchen and bathrooms. This can be a deal breaker if the buyer doesn’t like what they see. Counters, mirrors, sinks, tubs, toilets and floors need daily attention. Make sure you have fresh towels on hand for a quick swap out. And air out the house as often as possible to eliminate any worries about odors. 

Sweet Dreams: Bedrooms are also high on a buyer’s wish list. It can be hard to keep bedrooms picked up, but this is a good location for a place for everything and everything in its place. Keep personal items tucked away in nightstands or drawers, clothes hung up or in the hamper every night, and you’ve already committed to making the bed every morning, right? 

Dine and Dash: If your dining room is seldom used, keep the table set with pretty dishes, candles and a striking centerpiece. 

Just Right: Be prepared for Goldilocks to show up, so maintain the temperature in your home (even if you’re gone for the day or weekend): cozy and inviting on a cold day or comfortably cool for a break from summer heat. 

Furry Family Members: Have a plan for where Fido or Fluffy will be during showings. Ideally, they will leave with you. If that isn’t possible, please have a note ready to go for the showing agent with the names and descriptions of your pets and where they will be located: back yard, basement, bathroom, or bedroom. And if they are escape artists, please make sure that information makes it into the showing instructions. 

Valuables: Keep them locked up or removed from the property: heirlooms, jewelry, money, anything you care a lot about. Often overlooked are important documents like birth certificates, passports, bills, bank statements and tax documents. Don’t forget about prescription medications! It’s not very often that things go missing, but you don’t want to be scrambling to hide valuables at the last minute. 

A Final Request: Please make every effort to say yes to showing requests and try to avoid restricted showing times or excessive advance notice. You don’t want to give anyone a reason to skip seeing your house. If you follow these suggestions, you’ll be ready for showings at a moment’s notice.

Christine Trigg, Realtor® SRES ®©2019