
why you should use an sres®

Senior Real Estate Specialist®

Whether you’re 50, 80, or somewhere in between, it can be a bittersweet moment when it comes time to selling the family home. Even if you’re headed off to sunnier climes, moving to be closer to family or excited to start a new adventure in your home town, there are a lot of emotions and financial considerations to contend with.

And if you’re trying to help your parent navigate the sale of the family home, it can be hard to try to sort through the family treasures and memories of the house you grew up in.

This can be especially challenging when family members are not all in the same city or even on the same page! I recently managed this situation with my own family and I know it can test the patience of all involved.

I can help! As a real estate broker with an SRES® designation I have the expertise to guide you through the challenges of this major life transition and ensure that you maximize your most important investment. I have a great network of experts to assist you including CPA’s, financial planners, attorneys, inspectors and movers. I can connect you with organizers who will lovingly help you prioritize what stays and what goes. How about cleaners and stagers who will help make your house shine? I’ve got you covered!

I will also work with you to explore your options to ensure that your next home and living situation fit in with your overall life plan. And if your move takes you out of Colorado, I can tap into my network of experts around the country and around the world to make sure you have a soft landing.